Opis bibliograficzny w formacie TeX dla wpisu: konf:Wisla:03

  title = {Proc. 1st CEACM Conf. on Computational Mechanics and 15th Int. Conf. Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003},
  booktitle = {Proc. 1st CEACM Conf. on Computational Mechanics and 15th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics CMM-2003},
  year = {2003},
  organization = {Silesian University of Technology at Gliwice},
  publisher = {D \& D Digital Printing Office},
  editor = {Burczy\'{n}ski, T. and Fedeli\'{n}ski, P. and Majchrzak, E.},
  address = {Gliwice/Wis{\l}a}